Pinout for DB-25 connector on the side of the PVM-1390

1IBM SelectHigh: IBM mode (RGBI) Low: 3-bit TTL (RGB)
2Audio SelectHigh: Audio input from pin 13 Low: Audio input from LINE A/B/VTR jacks
3HSync/CSyncHorizontal or Composite Sync, Negative polarity
4Blue InputPositive polarity
5Green InputPositive polarity (Sync on green optional in analog mode)
6Red InputPositive polarity
7NCNot connected
8NCNot connected
9Analog/DigitalHigh: Analog Low: Digital
10RGB/NormalHigh: High: RGB input selected Low: LINE A/B/VTR input selected
11VSyncVertical Sync, Negative polarity
12BlankingHigh: High: Video input from RGB input only Low: LINE A/B/VTR signal is superimposed over signal from RGB input
13Audio Input-5 dB / 100% modulation
14NCNot connected
25IntensityPositive polarity