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x68000:lhes_tutorial [2014/10/07 17:09] eidisx68000:lhes_tutorial [2014/10/07 18:07] eidis
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 ====== LHES Tutorial ====== ====== LHES Tutorial ======
-Long time ago, in a country far away, very talented man called **M.Iwasaki (SPHERE)** created very powerfull Filer (file commander) which was way ahead of its time. This great marvel of software was later translated by **Eidis** and included in the HDD Image V4. LHES, if properly used, allows us to quickly execute mundane tasks and makes the whole X68000 experience much more enjoyable. This article will try to cover the most important aspects of it.+Long time ago, in a country far away, very talented man called **M.Iwasaki (SPHERE)** created very powerfull Filer (file commander) which was way ahead of its time. This great marvel of software was later translated by **Eidis** and included in the HDD Image V4. LHES, if properly used, allows us to quickly execute mundane tasks and makes the whole X68000 experience much more enjoyable. This article will try to cover the most important and basic aspects of it.
-====== Main menu and Hotkeys ====== +====== Main screen and Hotkeys ====== 
 +Upon launching, you will be greeted with the following screen: 
 +|  Main screen 
 +The functions, which can be seen at the very bottom of the screen, are mapped to F1 - F10 keys. You can get an alternative set of functions by pressing the SHIFT key. 
 +LHES is mostly used for the following things: 
 +  *Launching files 
 +  *Copying files/directories 
 +  *Moving files/directories 
 +  *Editing files 
 +  *Archiving/Extracting files/directories 
 +|Arrow keys  |Up and Down key will highlight the next or previous file/directoryLeft and Right keys act as PageUp and PageDown  | 
 +|Enter  |Show contents of highlighted directory or execute highlighted file  | 
 +|Backspace  |Go up one directory 
 +|NumPad 1  |Change to previous drive  | 
 +|NumPad 3  |Change to next drive  | 
 +|L  |Change disk drive with drive selector 
 +|I  |Show disk information 
 +|Q  |Exit LHES  | 
 +|HELP  |Show available Hotkeys 
 +**Selecting Files/Directories** 
 +|Space  |Select files/directories 
 +|CLR (NumLock)  |Select or deselect all files in the current directory  |= 
 +**Manipulating Files/Directories** 
 +|C  |Copy file/directory 
 +|M  |Move file/directory 
 +|DEL  |Delete highlighted or selected files/directories 
 +|K  |Create directory 
 +|R  |Rename file/directory 
 +|A  |Change file attributes 
 +**Viewing/Editing files** 
 +|V  |View file  | 
 +|SHIFT+V  |View file as Hex dump  | 
 +|E  |Edit file  | 
 +|SHIFT+E  |Edit new file  | 
 +**Creating/Extracting archives** 
 +|F5  |Change compression/decompression/temp path  | 
 +|F1  |Extract all files in highlighted archive to default EXTRACT path  | 
 +|SHIFT+F1  |Compress selected files/directories to default ARCHIVE path  | 
 +====== Few tips and advices ====== 
 +  *The most convenient way how to copy or move files is by setting the destination directory as TEMP path (F5) 
 +  *Make sure that you select LHA (-lha5-) compression and "DIR info" and "Recurse DIR" when creating archives
x68000/lhes_tutorial.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:45 by