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Changes the attributes of a file.

Usage: ATTRIB <option> filename

Example: ATTRIB +R info.txt will make info.txt a read-only file. To make a file read/write use –R e.g. ATTRIB -R info.txt

Use +H to make a file hidden and –H to make a file unhidden.

I’ve found ATTRIB to be very useful when I need to delete hidden system files from directories. The directory will often look empty but cannot be deleted. So from within the directory I use: ATTRIB –H –S *.* which removes the hidden and system attributes from all files. All files will now be visible and can be deleted (typically the Human.sys file is the culprit)

human68k_manual/files/attrib.1258451931.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)