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Intro The psx cpu runs at about 32MHz by doing this mod you can overclock to double at 64MHz


Start by disassembling your console. We need to get down to JUST the motherboard. I’ll let you get there, its self explanatory. Locate CPU SONY, CDX8606BQ. Turn the board so SONY reads going down, and so does the model number. The fourth (4th) PIN from the left over needs to be lifted, like in the picture below… Simply count from the left, 4… Take your razor blade, and place it under the 4th PIN. Lightly apply pressure where the blade would be pushing on the PIN from the bottom. NOTE: Other nearby PINs will likely move too. Once the CPU PIN is lifted and out of the way, simply adjust the other PINs that moved too.

Now, you need to locate your motherboard’s clock chip. This chip sends out a 64 MHz signal that gets divided by the CPU and another processor. I think it’s the graphics processor, RSX? Anyway… This 6 PIN chip is usually labeled “2194A”, or “2100 8858 JRC.” The lifted CPU pin needs to be linked with PIN 6 on the clock chip. Remember how to read IC PINs from the intro? That’s exactly how you find it. OR, you could just look at the following picture… And NO, the red dots do not mean solder here… That’s the origin of the line… I didn’t know what to type, so I just… Never mind…

To locate the correct clock chip if it’s not labeled “2194A”, or “2100 8858 JRC,” simply look at the CPU labeled SONY, CDX8606BQ like in the CPU picture. When you go directly to the left, you have your systems memory. Directly above the system memory, you have your clock chip, like in the diagram below…

You can either solder directly to the IC, or to the solder point (pointed to in blue) on the 7501 console, and maybe other models too. Simply follow the trace in the board and see if it leads to an obvious, and easy solder point. To do this, locate PIN 6 on clock chip, and look for a light green trace going from this PIN, and follow it to an easy solder point. DO NOT go past in-line components like resistors and capacitors! IF you do not find an easy solder point, you’ll have to solder to the IC itself. No biggie, it’s easy!


Credits, external links, etc.

psx_overclock.1145929514.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)