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Games - Video/Audio modes and extra functionality

In the wild west of x68000 game development, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of standards across games. This can include switching to 31Khz or turning on MIDI audio or different controls. Luckily someone before me has gone through and documented much of this very important information, so important that it would be a shame for it to disappear one day. This page serves the purpose of a backup, and an extension of this information.

Settings and Notes

Name Default Video Mode Optional Video Mode(s) Notes
After Burner 15kHz 31kHz Mouse, Trackball, Micom Analogue pad, Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support. Mousepad included. On machines with 2MB of RAM or more, hold SHIFT while loading to load the entire game into memory.
Ajax 31kHz 15kHz - hold down the HELP key when first booting Ajax is a three-button game, and can be played as such using the keyboard. Using a joystick reduces the number of buttons to two.
Akumajou Dracula 31kHz The famous X68000 version of Castlevania. Requires a blank disk for saving, or to hard disk. At the music selection screen, press the XF1 and G keys together to enable GM music.
Alien Syndrome 31kHz 15kHz
Argus no Senshi (Rygar) 31kHz
Arkanoid Revenge of DOH 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the OPT1 key when first booting 16MHz runs too fast. Mouse/Trackball support.
Atomic Robo-Kid 15kHz For MIDI support, hold down F1 when booting
Baraduke 31kHz 15kHz, 24kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions On the high score table, enter your name as JUNKO, KISSY or TAKKY and observe the result.
Battletech 31kHz
Bomberman 31kHz
Bonanza Brothers 31kHz 15kHz
Bosconian 31kHz To advance to the next stage, press the Q, E, T and U keys together while playing the game. If you turn the code key on, you'll hear an echo of the sampled voice.
Bubble Bobble 31kHz 15kHz
Butasan 31kHz 15kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions
Chelnov 31kHz 15kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions Megadrive joypad adapter included, as three buttons are required
Chourensha 31kHz (Narrow) 31kHz (Wide), 15kHz, The display can be rotated Free downloadable doujinsoft
Chuka Taisen 15kHz 31kHz - press F1 to alternate
Code Zero 15kHz
Columns 31kHz
Cotton 31kHz (384 x 256) 31kHz (512 x 256), 15kHz (448 x 240), 15kHz (512 x 240) Press Help key at any time to cycle resolutions.
Crazy Climber 1/2 31kHz Crazy Climber 2 requires 2 MB, makes use of the XPD-1LR joypad (included with Libble Rabble). To load Crazy Climber 2, boot the game from Drive 1.
Cybercore 31kHz Can be run from hard drive, as long as the disk is in Drive 0. The program name is “Y.x”
D-Return 31kHz 16MHz runs too fast
DaiMakaiMura (Ghouls’n Ghosts) 15kHz 31kHz Menu navigation to switch video modes:
1. Button 1
2. Down
3. Button 1
4. Down 4 times
5. Left/Right to select resolution
Dash Yarou 31kHz Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support
Detana!! Twinbee 31kHz 15kHz – use F2 to select, F1 to revert to 31kHz Pressing [ESC] in-game and then F3 enables a pseudo-vertical mode. If you have more than 2MB of memory, hold down HELP while booting to load the entire game into memory. This has a music mode like Parodius. Run SD_DRV.BAT from the command line.
Dig Dug/Dig Dug II 31kHz To load Dig Dug II, boot the game from Drive 1
Dive On 31kHz (384 x 256) 31kHz (256 x 256), 15kHz (256 x 256), 15kHz (512 x 256)
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (River City Ransom) 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting
Dragon Buster 31kHz 24kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions
Dragon Spirit 31kHz (256 x 256) 31kHz (512 x 256), 15kHz (256 x 256), 15kHz (512 x 256) The display can be rotated Run in 10MHz or music is messed up. Some releases includes a flag. Try setting the internal clock to between midnight and 1:00AM
Dungeon Master 31kHz
Dynamite Duke 31kHz
Etoile Princesse 31kHz Not MT-32 compatible. Requires a blank disk for saving.
Exciting Hour/Shusse Oozumou 31kHz 15kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions To load Shusse Oozumou, boot the game from Drive 1
F-15 Strike Eagle II 31kHz 16MHz highly recommended
Fairyland Story 15kHz 31kHz To see the staff credits, turn Continue off on the options screen, start a game and when the Game Over message appears, press the A and B buttons on your joystick at the same time.
Fantasy Zone 31kHz 24kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions Run in 10MHz or music is messed up. Fantasy Zone includes the undocumented Fantasy Zone 3D - hold down the Shift, CTRL and HELP keys together when booting to activate it. To fast forward through the super play, hold down the CTRL key.
Final Fight 15kHz (512 x 256) 31kHz (512 x 256), 31kHz (384 x 256) Menu Navigation to switch video modes:
1. Button 1
2. Down
3. Button 1
4. Down 5 times
5. Left/Right to select resolution
Special soundtrack CD included
Flying Shark 31kHz 15kHz
Full Throttle 31kHz 16MHz runs too fast
FZ Senki Axis 31kHz 15kHz
Galaga ’88 31kHz 15kHz
Garou Densetsu (Fatal Fury) 31kHz Try setting the internal clock to between midnight and 1:00AM
Garou Densetsu 2 (Fatal Fury 2) 31kHz 15kHz Joypad included
Garou Densetsu Special (Fatal Fury Special) 31kHz 15kHz
Gemini Wing 31kHz 15kHz For MIDI support hold down while booting:
1. F1: MT32 or CM32L
2. F2: CM64
3. F3: CM64 + SN-U110-10 expansion
4. F4: CM64 + SN-U110-07 expansion
Infinite continues: on the title screen, hold down the G, E, M, I, N keys at the same time and you'll be told you have 9 continues. In reality, they should be infinite. Gemini Wing also has a vertical mode, hold down F7 while the game is booting. Unfortunately it doesn't allow you to rotate the monitor.
Gempai Toumaden 31kHz Some releases includes a flag and flagpole
Genocide 31kHz
Genocide 2 31kHz 15kHz
Geograph Seal 31kHz Not MT-32 compatible. Requires a blank disk for saving.
Gradius 31kHz Run in 10MHz or music is messed up. Can be run from a hard disk by simply copying all files to it and running Gradius.x
Gradius II 31kHz Although Gradius II has its real arcade mode hidden but documented, what's not documented is the arcade test mode. Enable it by holding down F4 while booting (at the same time as holding down the button to enable arcade mode).
Granada 31kHz 15kHz 16MHz runs too fast. For MIDI support hold down the 登録 key while booting.
Gunship 31kHz
Image Fight 31kHz 15kHz
Jack Nicklaus Golf 31kHz
Klax 31kHz
KU2 15kHz 31kHz
Kyuukyoku Tiger (Twin Cobra) 31kHz Kyuukyoku Tiger can be controlled with the mouse. Hold down F2 while booting to enable it.
Lemmings 31kHz
Libble Rabble 31kHz 15kHz, 24kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions Includes special joypad (XPD-1LR), can also be used by Crazy Climber 1/2
Mahou Daisakusen (Sorcer Striker) 31kHz (256 x 256) 31kHz (384 x 256), 15kHz (256 x 240) 16MHz highly recommended
Maison Ikkoku Kanketsuhen Special 31kHz
Marble Madness 31kHz (384 x 512) 24kHz (336 x 448) Trackball support. A real marble was supplied with the game.
Märchen Maze 15kHz (256 x 224) 31kHz (288 x 224), 31kHz (256 x 224), 15kHz (256 x 224) Press the 登録 key to alternate On the title screen of Marchen Maze, press Shift and HELP together to access the options screen, allowing you among other things to select the Arcade version. Bonus trick: Start the game with Disk B in Drive 0 and Disk A in drive 1 to activate PCM sound.
Metal Sight 15kHz 31kHz Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support
Mid-Garts 31kHz
Motos 31kHz (256 x 256) 31kHz (384 x 256) On Christmas Eve and New Year's Day different opening music is played. For an arranged soundtrack, instead of loading the game from drive 0, load it from drive 1. If you turn on the 「ひらがな」「全角」「INS」「CAPS」「コード入力」「ローマ字」「かな」 keys within the config screen, you can select a special SARU mode, which is easier than the EASY mode.
Mr. Do! / Mr. Do! V.S. Unicorns 31kHz 15kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions To load Mr. Do! V.S Unicorns, boot the game from Drive 1.
Naious 31kHz 15kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions Run in 10MHz or music is messed up. On the title screen, hold down [CTRL] and the W, I, N, K keys and you can select any stage from 1 to 7.
Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting Run in 10MHz or corrupt graphics.
Soccer Hen 31kHz
Nemesis ’90 Kai 31kHz
Overtake 31kHz (256) 31kHz (256 SQ)15kHz (256 Low) Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support
Pac-Land 31kHz Includes a three-button pad
Pac-Mania 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting From the Pac-Mania title screen, press F5 to redefine the keys. Redefine them to X,6,8,0,0,0 and make sure to use the numeric keypad. Exit by pressing Esc and you'll automatically enter the hidden options screen. Bonus game: The original Pac-Man is included, run the pac.bat batch file in the PACMAN folder.
Parodius 31kHz There's a sound driver test mode on Disk A. Run SD_DRV.X from the command line. As the program tells you, pressing Space progresses to the next piece and ESC will end the program. For fun, try holding down the following keys while the game boots:
• K, 6, 8 : one for the MSX fans probably
• [HOME], G, 2
Phalanx 31kHz 15kHz Phalanx includes a hidden stage. Crash into what looks like a red window and you'll be warped through. On the configuration screen, the following commands can be entered for their respective effects (For these to work, you have to hold down the first key, and then the second together, then take your finger off the first key and press the third and so on. So for the first cheat you'd hold A and K, then K and I, then I and C and so on):
• AKICHANSUKI - Stage Select
• SUGOINO - Invincibility
• FUERUNO - Increase your number of lives
Populous 31kHz
Populous The Promised Lands 31kHz Add-on disk for Populous
Populous 2 31kHz
Powermonger 31kHz
Prince of Persia 31kHz
Pro Soccer 68 15kHz 31kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions
Puyo Puyo 15kHz 31kHz (Six resolution options to choose from) To enable Tokoton Puyo Puyo mode, at the title screen push the second player's controller to the bottom left and press F1. To change resolutions, press the HELP key at the title screen.
Puzznic 31kHz
Quarth 31kHz 15kHz - hold SHIFT during startup
Quiz Torimonochou 31kHz 15kHz, 24kHz
R-Type 31kHz You can start on any level in R-Type. Select the level you want to play from the DEMO option, and then start the game while holding down the S, T, A, G, and E keys.
R.C. Robot Construction 31kHz
Salamander 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting
Scorpius 31kHz
Shoot Range 31kHz
Sim City 31kHz
Sim Earth 31kHz Requires SX-Window to run
Sol-Feace 31kHz 15kHz For MIDI hold 登録 while booting
Space Harrier 15kHz
Star Force 31kHz 15kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions
Star Luster 15kHz 31kHz Not MT-32 compatible. Supports the AE-1AP Analogue Joypad
Star Trader 31kHz 15kHz A Takeru game - not a full commercial release
Star Wars Attack on the Death Star 31kHz 15kHz Runs better at 16 MHz
Street Fighter II’ 15kHz 31kHz Menu navigation to switch video modes:
1. Button 1
2. Down
3. Button A
4. Down
5. Right
Includes an adapter for Megadrive controllers, specifically the Capcom Power Stick Fighter. Remap for Genesis buttons:
• KICK0: C
• KICK1: A
• KICK2: B
Strider Hiryuu 15kHz (512 x 256) 31kHz (512 x 256), 31kHz (384 x 256) Menu navigation to switch video modes:
1. Button 1
2. Down
3. Button 1
4. Down 4 times
5. Left/Right to select resolution
Super Hang-On 15kHz 31kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support
Super Street Fighter II 15kHz (Narrow) 15kHz (Wide), 31kHz (Narrow), 31kHz (Wide) 16 MHz recommended. Remap for Genesis buttons:
1. KICK0: C
2. KICK1: A
3. KICK2: B
Syvalion 15kHz 31kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting Trackball support. Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support
Terra Cresta & Moon Cresta 31kHz You can switch between narrow and wide display sizes by pressing the HELP key To load Moon Cresta, boot the game from Drive 1
Tetris 31kHz
The NewZealand Story 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting
The Return of Ishtar 15kHz
Thunder Blade 31kHz Cyber Stick (CZ-8NJ2) support
Thunderforce II 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the F10 key when first booting
Twinbee 15kHz Run in 10MHz or corrupt graphics
Undeadline 31kHz
V’Ball 31kHz 15kHz – hold down the HELP key when first booting
Valis II 31kHz Run in 10MHz or music is messed up.
Viewpoint 31kHz Runs better at 16 MHz, but it’s still slow compared to the Neo Geo version
World Court Pro Tennis 15kHz 31kHz (Square), 31kHz (256 x 256), 15kHz (256 x 256) Hold Down 0, 1 or 2 on the numeric keypad respectively while booting
Xenon 2 31kHz 15kHz, 24kHz – press HELP to switch resolutions
Xevious 31kHz Both Xevious and Super Xevious are available
x68000/game_notes.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 16:18 by sigvec