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$ff00_EXITTerminate program
End the program. Open file handles are closed.
$ff01_GETCHARWait for keyboard input(with echo)
Returnkey code
Wait for key input and output the character to stdout.
^C - Return to the parent process
^P - Toggle output stdout to the printer also
^N - Check the printer output state
$ff02_PUTCHARDisplay character
ArgCODE.wSingle-byte character
ReturnAlways 0
CODE Outputs the character specified by CODE to stdout.
It checks whether the key is ^C, ^S, ^P, or ^N.


move	CODE,-(sp)
addq.l	#2,sp
x68000/doscall.1502858502.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)