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DOS Call list

$ff00_EXITProgram end
$ff01_GETCHARGet keyboard input (with echo)
$ff02_PUTCHARPut character
$ff03_COMINPRS-232C 1 byte input
$ff04_COMOUTRS-232C 1 byte output
$ff05_PRNOUTPrinter 1 character output
$ff06_INPOUTCharacter I/O
$ff07_INKEYGet one character from the keyboard (no break check)
$ff08_GETCGet one character from the keyboard (with break check)
$ff09_PRINTPrint string
$ff0a_GETSGet character string (with break check)
$ff0b_KEYSNSKey input state check
$ff0c_KFLUSHKeyboard input after buffer flush
$ff0d_FFLUSHDisk reset
$ff0e_CHGDRVCurrent drive setting
$ff0f_DRVCTRLDrive status check/setting
$ff10_CONSNSScreen output check
$ff11_PRNSNSPrinter output check
$ff12_CINSNSRS-232C input check
$ff13_COUTSNSRS-232C output check
$ff17_FATCHKFile concatenation state check
$ff18_HENDSPKanji conversion control
$ff19_CURDRVGet current drive
$ff1a_GETSSGet character string (no break check)
$ff1b_FGETCGet character from file
$ff1c_FGETSGet string from file
$ff1d_FPUTCWrite one character to file
$ff1e_FPUTSWrite string to file
$ff1f_ALLCLOSEClose all files
$ff20_SUPERSupervisor/user mode setting
$ff21_FNCKEYGet/set redefinable key
$ff22_KNJCTRLKana-to-kanji conversion
$ff23_CONCTRLConsole control/direct output
$ff24_KEYCTRLConsole state check/direct input
$ff25_INTVCSSet vector processing address
$ff26_PSPSETCreate process management pointer
$ff27_GETTIM2Get time (longword)
$ff28_SETTIM2Set time (longword)
$ff29_NAMESTSFilename expansion
$ff2a_GETDATEGet date
$ff2b_SETDATESet date
$ff2c_GETTIMEGet time
$ff2d_SETTIMESet time
$ff2e_VERIFYSet verify flag
$ff2f_DUP0Force file handle copy
$ff30_VERNUMGet OS version
$ff31_KEEPPRTerminate and stay resident
$ff32_GETDPBGet drive parameter block
$ff33_BREAKCKSet break check
$ff34_DRVXCHGReplace drive
$ff35_INTVCGGet vector processing address
$ff36_DSKFREGet disk space remaining
$ff37_NAMECKFilename expansion
$ff39_MKDIRCreate subdirectory
$ff3a_RMDIRRemove subdirectory
$ff3b_CHDIRChange current directory
$ff3c_CREATECreate file
$ff3d_OPENOpen file
$ff3e_CLOSEClose file
$ff3f_READRead file
$ff40_WRITEWrite file
$ff41_DELETEDelete file
$ff42_SEEKSeek file
$ff43_CHMODSet/get file modes
$ff44_IOCTRLDevice driver ioctrl direct I/O
$ff45_DUPCopy file handle
$ff46_DUP2Force copy file handle
$ff47_CURDIRGet current directory
$ff48_MALLOCAllocate memory
$ff49_MFREEFree memory
$ff4a_SETBLOCKChange memory block
$ff4b_EXECLoad/execute program
$ff4c_EXIT2Exit with return code
$ff4d_WAITGet process end return code
$ff4e_FILESSearch files
$ff4f_NFILESSearch next files
$ff80_SETPDBChange process information
$ff81_GETPDBGet process information
$ff82_SETENVSet environment variable
$ff83_GETENVGet environment variable
$ff84_VERIFYGGet verify flag
$ff85_COMMONCOMMON area control
$ff86_RENAMERename/move file
$ff87_FILEDATEGet/set file date
$ff88_MALLOC2Alloc memory
$ff8a_MAKETMPCreate temporary file
$ff8b_NEWFILECreate new file
$ff8c_LOCKLock file
$ff8f_ASSIGNGet/set/cancel virtual drive/directory assignment
$ffaa FFLUSHSet FFLUSH mode (undocumented)
$ffab_OS_PATCHHook OS internal function (undocumented)
$ffac_GETFCBGet FCB pointer (undocumented)
$ffad_S_MALLOCAlloc memory using main memory management
$ffae_S_MFREEFree memory using main memory management
$ffaf_S_PROCESSSub memory management setting
$fff0_EXITVC(program end execution address)
$fff1_CTRLVC(CTRL+C execution address at abort)
$fff2_ERRJVC(Error abort execution address)
$fff3_DISKREDBlock device direct input
$fff4_DISKWRTBlock device direct output
$fff5_INDOSFLGGet OS work pointer
$fff6_SUPER_JSRSupervisor subroutine call
$fff7_BUS_ERRCheck for bus error
$fff8_OPEN_PRRegister background task
$fff9_KILL_PRRemove background task
$fffa_GET_PRGet thread management information
$fffb_SUSPEND_PRForce thread to sleep
$fffc_SLEEP_PRSleep thread
$fffd_SEND_PRTransmit thread command/data
$fffe_TIME_PRGet timer counter value
$ffff_CHANGE_PRExecution right abandonment(?) 実行権放棄

Caution: Calls to $ff00~$ff7f in Human68k Version 2 have been moved to $ff80~$ffaf in Version 3 and later

Processing address calls at $fff5~$fff7 and $fffa~$fffe can not be changed(ignored) $fff8,$ffff is executed after the original processing is normally completed. $fff8 is called every time a thread is deleted.

Error code list

Hex codeByte codeDescription
$ffffffff -1Invalid function code executed
$fffffffe -2File not found
$fffffffd -3Directory not found
$fffffffc -4Too many open files
$fffffffb -5Directory and volume label inaccessible
$fffffffa -6The specified handle is not open
$fffffff9 -7The memory management area was destroyed
$fffffff8 -8
$fffffff7 -9Invalid memory management pointer specified
$fffffff6-10Illegal environment specified
$fffffff5-11Abnormal executable file format
$fffffff4-12Abnormal open access mode
$fffffff3-13Invalid file name
$fffffff2-14Called with invalid parameter
$fffffff1-15Invalid drive specified
$fffffff0-16Current directory can't be deleted
$ffffffef-17ioctrl can not be used
$ffffffee-18No more files found
$ffffffed-19The file can't be written
$ffffffec-20The directory already exists
$ffffffeb-21File can't be deleted
$ffffffea-22File can't be renamed
$ffffffe9-23File can't be created because disk is full
$ffffffe8-24File can't be created because folder is full
$ffffffe7-25Can't seek to the specified position
$ffffffe6-26Supervisor mode require while in supervisor mode
$ffffffe5-27Thread name exists
$ffffffe4-28IPC buffer is write protected
$ffffffe3-29Can't start any more background processes
$ffffffe0-32Insufficient lock space
$ffffffdf-33File is locked and can't be accessed
$ffffffde-34The drive has a handler open
$ffffffdd-35Symbolic link nest exceeded 16 links(lndrv)
$ffffffb0-80File exists

Detailed Descriptions

$ff00_EXITTerminate program
End the program. Open file handles are closed.
$ff01_GETCHARWait for keyboard input(with echo)
Returnkey code
Wait for key input and output the character to stdout.
^C - Return to the parent process
^P - Toggle output stdout to the printer also
^N - Check the printer output state
$ff02_PUTCHARDisplay character
ArgCODE.wSingle-byte character
ReturnAlways 0
CODE Outputs the character specified by CODE to stdout.
It checks whether the key is ^C, ^S, ^P, or ^N.


move	CODE,-(sp)
addq.l	#2,sp
x68000/doscall.1502858523.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)