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X68000 Six-Button Controller

There aren't many games that support the six button controller for the X68000. In fact, there's not even ten of them. If you want to play some games to their fullest, however, you'll need more than the normal two buttons. This page will show you how to do exactly that.

There are two mods here - one for 4-button SNK games like Fatal Fury, and one for six button games like Street Fighter 2' and Super Street Fighter 2. Both use the same chips - a pair of 74157s, the same chips found in Genesis controllers. The '157 chip is basically four A/B switches, with a single select. By utilizing two of these the X68000 can have enough inputs to utilize the entire Street Fighter control scheme (12 inputs total: six buttons, UDLR, Start + Select) with only six inputs.


The pinout for a few of the above buttons may be in error. The original diagram was ambiguous, if it doesn't work it should be pretty clear which ones are wrong. Change this wiki page to reflect the error if you find any.
SNES / StreetFighter button map
SNES Street Fighter
A Medium kick
B Weak kick
X Medium punch
Y Weak punch
L Hard punch
R Hard kick
controls/x686button.1134556956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)