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How to make the mini DIN 5pin to DIN 5pin convert cable for SYSTEM SACOM Co.Ltd's MIDI board.

Required Materials (Parts and Tools)

DIN 5 pin jack connector Qty. 1
Mini DIN 5 pin plug connector Qty. 1
5 electric wires included cable Qty. Your required length. Mine was about 15cm.
Solder iron and Solder Qty. 1 set
Nipper or Cutter for cable modify Qty. 1
Ohm tester for cable test Qty. 1
See right figure. You make a connection 1-1,2-2, …5-5 pin to straight joint cable. You may to decide which color is conntected which pin number this step. These images are soldered side of the connectors.

Test the cable is it good soldered and good assignment wires by the Ohm tester. If cables have a problem ( cutted or shorted other lines) then fix that problem to cable work correctly.

If step 5 test is passed then created cable connect to the MIDI board and MIDI sound module via MIDI Standard cable.

ex) X68k MIDI board's MIDI out port → Created cable → MIDI standard cable → MIDI sound module Next, starting play the music on X68k by Z-music or other music system software.

If MIDI sound module is receive the MIDI message, then your job is finished.

x68000/midi_cable.1407596066.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)