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Welcome to NFG / GameSX

I've maintained the GameSX archive of technical data for nearly a decade now (nine years, no foolin') and if there's one thing I've learned it's that I can't be counted on to update the site or fix problems on a regular basis. Hence, the new format. If you see a problem you want to fix, fix it. If you have new data, post it. Welcome, my friends, to the new GameSX. Maybe - we'll see how it goes. Remember that anyone can edit or delete these pages, so there's no score for 'hacking' the site - your grandmother could do it.

NOTE! You must have a forum account to edit these pages.
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Please read The Rules.

GameSX Data

Hardware/System Information

Other GameSX Network Sites

Linking to Other Sites

See this page for a convenient quick-link to other sites.


GameSX + NFG Games provide the information herein because we believe it to be accurate. It may not be safe, and in fact is probably very dangerous. You should not perform any of the mods contained on any of these pages. Like, ever. But you can if you want. And nothing's better than the feeling you get when you accomplish your first mod.
start.1264464234.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/27 20:44 (external edit)